$metades = ($metadescription != "") ? $metadescription : $metatitle;
Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Bakson's Aller Aid Tablet is used for Allergic Rhinitis without any side effects. It is commonly used for watery eyes, runny noses, and itching throat. Sinusitis, Fever, and Body Ache are caused by allergies. 807
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin SBL Drops No. 8 allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. 3481
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Dr. Reckeweg R84 drops Inhalant Allergens. It controls hyper-immune response. Red, irritated eyes, constant sneezing, runny nose are common symptoms of inhalant allergies. 6418
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Bakson Aller Aid tablets are used for running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, sinusitis, fever, and body ache due to allergies. Also available in a pediatric packs for children. 2377
3 years ago Homeopathic Medicine For Allergic Rhinitis
Bakson's Aller Aid Tablet for Allergic Rhinitis
SBL Drops No. 8 for Allergic rhinitis
Dr. Reckeweg R84 Inhalant Allergy Drops Controls Hyper-immune response
Bakson Aller Aid tablets fights allergic rhinitis