SBL FP TABS and Ointment for Piles

SBL FP TABS and Ointment for Piles
3 years ago
Brand: Sbl
Price:  Rs. 140.00 (25 gm FP Tablets) , Rs. 60.00 (25 gm Ointment)
SBL FP TABS and Ointment for Piles

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Fissures and Piles are caused due to chronic constipation or diarrhea, lifting heavy weights regularly, Pregnancy, or Straining when passing a stool.

SBL's FP TABS taken orally and FP-OINTMENT applied locally is an ideal.


No known contra-indication


No known side effects of SBL FP TABS and Ointment for Piles


Tablets Adults 2 tablets, 3-4 times a day, in acute conditions 2 tablets, 2-3 hourly
Ointment Apply locally twice daily before and after stool for 1-2 weeks, using for the applicator if an internal administrator is required

Or, as prescribed by the physician.


Tablets: Bottle of 25 gm and 450 gm

Ointment: Tube of 25 gm external use only


Ratanhia Aesculus Hippocastanum 3x
Hamamelis Virginiana 3x Calcarea Fluorica 3x
Hamamelis Virginiana Q Aesculus Hippocastanum Q
Hydrastis Canadensis Q Ratanhia Q
Paeonia Officinalis Q Viburnum Prunifolium Q
Paraffin Molle Album  

Ratanhia for piles

Ratanhia is used for burning piles. Burning starts after stool. Stools are hard, cylindrical, Itching of anus, and damage the thin walls of blood vessels. The stool comes with great effort. Other symptoms of Ratanhia are constipating, inactive rectum with external hemorrhoids.

Aesculus Hippocastanum 3x

Aesculus Hippocastanum is used for Hemorrhoids, sharp pain start after stools, bleeding, dry stools, swollen veins in your anus and rectum.

Hamamelis Virginica

Hamamelis Virginica acts on the veins, Haemorrhage from the anus (massive bleeding), Haemorrhoids, and effective pain relief.

Calcarea Fluorica 3x

Calcarea Fluorica 3x is used for Varicose Veins, with Haemorrhoids, relief from Hemorrhoids, Fissure, and itching of anus.

Category:   sbl, piles care

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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