Dr. Reckeweg R85 High Blood Pressure Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R85 High Blood Pressure Drops
3 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 270.00 (30 ml Drops)
Dr. Reckeweg R85 High Blood Pressure Drops

Blood pressure with systolic above 140 or diastolic over 90 (hypertension).


Allium sativum:

Allium sativum uses for Lowers blood pressure.

Citrus Limonum:

Strong diuretic effect.

Merc Cor:

Glandulae suprarenales, Glandular stimulation.

Kalium Jodatum:

Stimulates potassium absorption, decreases the viscosity of blood.

Kalium Phosphoricum:

Kali Phos uses for conduction disturbance, anxiety, depression.


Glandular stimulation, Hypertension

Calcarea ren

Hormonal blood pressure regulation.

Tartarus Depuratus:

Strong diuretic effect.

Valeriana officinalis:

Calming effect.


Ten drops 3 or 4 times is usually recommended, with as large an amount of water as the kidney can handle.

6-10 drops six times daily for more severe or chronic cases, supplement diet with potassium-rich foods or natural potassium supplements.

Side Effects:

No Known Side Effects.


In the case of nervous heart, types use reckeweg R2 and reckeweg R66

with kidney involvement reckeweg R18 and reckeweg R27

with protein clogging of kidney reckeweg R64

with impaired circulation reckeweg R63 and reckeweg R67

with venous stasis reckeweg R42 and in case of nervousness use reckeweg Vita-C15,reckeweg R22, reckeweg R36,reckeweg R47

Category:   reckeweg, blood pressure

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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