3 years ago
Brand: SHL
Price:  Rs. 55.00 (21 gram tube cream)

Sarcream helps remove skin blemishes and vanish pox marks, also commonly used as a beauty antiseptic cream. Excellent results as per customer feedback and good reviews.

Sarcream uses smoothness affections of the skin, removes white spots on the face, acne vulgaris, and various other facial eruptions and its natural brightness by regular use.

SHL Sarcream is unique aftershave care against septic conditions arising from cuts during shaving.

SHL Sarcream is a charming antiseptic cream that keeps your skin free of blemishes like pimple chicken pox marks, cut marks, and brings back the skin's natural glow.

SHL Sarcream smoothens affections of the skin, removes white spots on the face, acne vulgaris, and various other facial eruptions and its natural brightness by regular use.

SHL Sarcream removes white spots on the face, and various other facial eruptions and its natural brightness by regular use.

It uses as a soothing antiseptic in post-natal cases.

It is a unique aftershave cream. Its care against septic conditions arising from cuts during shaving.

It is perfectly safe to apply to the body of the newborn baby as well as the mother.

How to use:

Apply Sarcream after bath & before bedtime, for dry skin, naturalizing chapped lips, Cracked nipples skin.

In cold weather, you use all the time. Generally, for oily skin in the summer, you can use sleep before all faces for acne, pimples, and skin whitening because Sarcream uses dry skin.


No known contra-indication

Side Effects

No known Side Effects


21-gram tube cream


Berberis Aquifolium 2x Calendula officinalis Q
Echinacea Angustifolia 3x Zinc 2x

Berberis Aquifolium :

Berberis Aquifolium is a remedy for the skin, chronic catarrhal affections, secondary syphilis. It uses in all the cases where the skin is dark for skin whitening or has scars due to acne or any other conditions.

Calendula officinalis :

First Aid Remedy is the principal remedy for wound healing. The perfect topical application for open cuts shaved cut. It is beneficial for dry skin or damaged skin because it much heals, soothes, and softens skin.

Echinecea Angustofolia :

It uses for dry skin. Small red pimples on neck and face. (Boils.)

Zinc 2x:

Zincum Metallicum uses for eczema, especially in the anćmic and neurotic.

Question: Can I use Sarcream Antiseptic Cream after skin burn or sunburn?

Answer: Yes, you can use two-three months continuous way. You will see amazing results after use, your skin blemishes will be removed.

Category:   skin care, acne care, women care, shl

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

1 Comment

  • I am using Sarcream for 5 years it's very good antiseptic cream. It's very beneficial for skin care.
    2020-02-27 09:23:25

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