Schwabe Alpha TS Drops for Tension, Stress, Sleep disturbances

Schwabe Alpha TS Drops for Tension, Stress, Sleep disturbances
3 years ago
Price:  Rs. 105.00 (30 ml Drops)
Schwabe Alpha TS Drops for Tension, Stress, Sleep disturbances

Schwabe Alpha TS Drops uses:

Drowsiness due to lack of sleep and sleep disorders in general.

Tension and sleep problems are interrelated. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, lack of concentration, confusion, and emotional disturbance have large overlapping areas. They are precipitants to (a) headache, (b) sleep disturbance, and (c) depressive illness. Sleep is known to have a vital function and is important for the conservation of energy and growth.

Psychological factors are considered to have main etiological influences on sleep disorders. Insomnia is a condition of inadequate quality and quantity of sleep with prominent symptoms of difficulty getting sleep or early awakening. Alpha-TS is aimed at tension, anxiety, headache, and sleep disorders due to increased stress, anxiety, or overwork. The concomitant symptoms are a lack of physical and mental power. The formulation takes care of these aspects.

Ingredients description: 

  • Eschscholtzia californica.
  • Lupulus.
  • Passiflora incarnata.
  • Zincum Metallicum.

Eschscholtzia californica:

It is considered harmless soporific. It normalizes psychological functions and has a sedative and analgesic effect. It is used for the nervous system, anxiety, and difficulty in sleeping.


It covers for sleeplessness, drowsiness during the day, remaining awake with apprehension. It has a calming effect on the mind. It has established efficacy for tension, anxiety, headache, and sleep disorders.

Passiflora incarnata:

It is used for sleeplessness, restlessness after the fever, and tedious labor when the patient becomes nervous or too excited. It is reputed to have anti-spasmodic and sedative properties.

Zincum Metallicum:

Zincum Metallicum is useful in depression, melancholia with an aversion to work or talk. The patient has fickleness (very variable mood) with sadness towards noon and joy in the evening or vice versa. Retarded and disturbed sleep with frequent waking, the patient feels unrefreshed after sleep and has unpleasant dreams.


10 – 20 drops three times per day. If complaints are not relieved or as recommended by the physician.


No known contra-indication

Side effects: 

No side effects of Alpha-TS are known.


30 ml glass bottle


Dr.Willmar Schwabe india Pvt.Ltd

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