SBL ZEROGRYPE Drops Gas and Colic in Children

SBL ZEROGRYPE Drops Gas and Colic in Children
3 years ago
Brand: Sbl
Price:  Rs. 55.00 (30 ml)
SBL ZEROGRYPE Drops Gas and Colic in Children

Colic is the most common and frequently seen problem in infants and causes great anxiety for mothers.

Some babies suffer from colic or gripes challenging to assess, but it could be due to trapped gas in the intestine (while feeding or crying) or due to Gastroesophageal acidity, reflux, acid reflux.

The mother can identify signs of colic pain if the baby cries vigorously for long periods despite efforts of relief, shows excessive episodic irritability, stiffens the body, arches the back, brings the knees to the chest and clenches the fist in pain, and maybe a little relieved after passing gas or stool. Conventional gripe mixtures can be addictive or may have side effects.

SBL's Zerogrype Drops is an In-house clinically proven product, composed of well balanced homoeopathic medicines, which is invaluable for bringing relief for indigestion flatulence and colic babies.


  • Colic (in infants and children)
  • Gas in abdomen
  • The abdomen may appear hard distended
  • Irritability and Crying
  • Poor Appetite
  • Restless Sleep


No known contra-indication


No known side effects of SBL ZEROGRYPE Drops.


Infants 5 Drops 3,4 times a day
Children 10 Drops 3,4 times a day

Or, as prescribed by the physician.


Bottle of 30 ml


Chamomilla Vulgaris 3x Magnesia Phosphorica 3x

Category:   sbl, baby care

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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