SBL homeopathy nixocid tablets & syrup

Product Summary:

Sbl homeopathy Nixocid tablets are used for acidity, heartburn, and are effective against acidity damages.

Acidity is caused by excess intake of alcohol, smoking, excess intake of spicy foods, it regulates at inhabits, and prolonged use of pain killers.

The Acidity in the stomach results in a burning sensation felt in the stomach (burning sensation in the oesophagus) and chest along with gas formation, sour belching, and anxiety. Acidity is caused by excess intake of alcohol, pain killer medicine, smoking, spicy foods, irregular eating habits, eating too much food, and prolonged use of painkillers.

SBL homeopathy nixocid tablets & syrup
3 years ago
Brand: Sbl
Price:  Rs.140.00 (25 gm Tablets)
SBL homeopathy nixocid tablets & syrup

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Stress and anxiety are also commonly associated with acidity. Symptoms can be pain in the middle of the abdomen after eating or remaining empty stomach, nausea, burning sensation in the oesophagus and chest (heartburn), sour belching. SBL&rsquo's Nixocid provides relief from acidity, burning sensation in the stomach and reduces gas formation. Thereby relieving their signs and symptoms of acidity effectively.

The benefit of use:

  • It helps Acid Reflux.
  • It helps acidity heartburn.
  • It is a good antacid.
  • Relief acidity, chest (heartburn).
  • Relief ulcer in the stomach.
  • Relief from Sour belching
  • Relief from constipation, gas formation, or diarrhea.

SBL's Nixocid provides relief from burning sensation in the stomach and reduces gas formation. Thereby relieving signs and symptoms of acidity effects


No known contra-indication


No known Side effects of SBL Nixocid Tablets


Tablets Adults 2 tablets, 3-4 times a day, in acute conditions 2 tablets, 2-3 hourly
Children 1 tablet, 3-4 times a day
Syrup Adults 1 teaspoonful 3,4 times a day
Children 1/2 teaspoonful 3,4 times a day

Question: Can I use SBL Nixocid Tablets after feeling chest burn and acidity?

Answer: Yes, You can use 30 minutes duration, three times, 5 ml syrup, or 2 tablets. It gives relief soon and you feel normal after some time.

Price List

Size Price Buy
NIXOCID (115 ml) by SBL | Pack of 1 Bottle Rs. 90.00 BUY NOW
Nixo-cid Syrup (500ml) Rs 220.00 BUY NOW

Or, as prescribed by the physician.


Tablets: Bottle of 25gm and 450gm

Syrup: Bottle of 115ml and 500ml


Natrum Phosphoricum 3X Carbo Vegetabilis 3X
Robinia pseudacacia 3X Lycopodium Clavatum 3X

Natrum Phosphoricum:

Natrum Phosphoricum is commonly used for the excess of acidity, sour eructations, and taste, sour vomiting, yellow, creamy coating at the back of the roof of mouth and tongue, etc.

Carbo Vegetabilis:

Carbo Vegetabilis is used for stomach irritation, heaviness, fullness, and sleepiness, tension from flatulence, pain, worse lying down, etc.

Robinia Pseudacacia:

Robinia Pseudacacia is used for acidity accompanied by a frontal headache, intensely acrid eructations, acrid and greenish vomiting, colic, and flatulence, nightly burning pains in the stomach, and constipation with urgent desire, etc.

Lycopodium Clavatum:

Lycopodium Clavatum is used for gastric and hepatic disorders.

Category:   acidity care, sbl

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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