SBL DENTON Syrup homeopathic medicine for teething problems.

DENTON usually occurs when the child is between 6-9 months of age. This natural process is termed as 'Dentition'.

The development of teeth is a natural phenomenon, usually when the children are 6-9 months of age. This natural process is termed as 'Dentition'. The dentition process can be a very uncomfortable and painful phase for many children and can lead to complaints like diarrhea, gripes, drooling of saliva. Irritability, restlessness, desire to bite", refusal to feed, etc. Such a condition is almost traumatic for the child. SBL's Denton Tablets and Syrup helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphates.

SBL DENTON Syrup homeopathic medicine for teething problems.
3 years ago
Brand: Sbl
Price:  Rs. 140.00 (25 gm Tablets), Rs. 65.00 (115 ml)
SBL DENTON Syrup homeopathic medicine for teething problems.

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Denton is an in-house clinically proven product, composed of good balanced homeopathic medicine, which relieves practically all the sign and symptoms associated with the destination.


  • Gum Swelling
  • Irritability
  • Drooling of Saliva
  • Vomiting
  • Loose Stools
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal Pain (Colic)


No known contra-indication

Side Effects:

No known side-effects of SBL DENTON


Infant and children up to three years one tablet every three hours or four times a day
Children above three years two tablets every three hours or four times a day
Children 1/2 teaspoonful three, four times a day

Or, as prescribed by the physician.


Tablets: Bottle of 25gm and 450gm

Syrup: Bottle of 115ml and 500ml


Calcarea Phosphorica 3x Chamomilla Vulgaris 3x
Kali Phosporica 3x Magnesia Phosphorica 3x
Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x Silicia 3x
Kali Muriaticum 3x

Calcarea Phosphorica 3x

Calcarea Phos is a remedy very useful for pediatric children. It nourishes children and cures calcium deficiencies. Calcium is very important for bone health and Dentition (Teeth Growth). It cures Dentition in children.

Chamomilla Vulgaris 3x

Chamomilla Vulgaris is used for baby teething, colic pain, restlessness. This medicine is generally used in baby (pediatrics) diseases with symptoms defined above the line.

Kali Phosporica 3x

Kali Phosporica helps against restlessness and anxiety and gives sound sleep for baby.

Magnesia Phosphorica 3x

Magnesia Phosphorica is very helpful in painful Dentination, painful teething during childhood, and relieves baby teething pain.

Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x

Ferrum Phosphoricum is used for Anaemia. It nourishes your babies.

Silicia 3x

Silica uses for slow teething in the baby, a difficult thing that makes your baby irritable, tired and nervous.

Kali Muriaticum 3x

Kali Muriaticum used for vomiting, headache and constipation.

Category:   sbl, baby care

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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