RITE-HITE Tablets SBL for Increasing Height

Product Summary:

RITE-HITE Tablets medicine promotes the production of Somatotrophin which eventually increases the height of the child. Somatotrophin is a hormone that encourages growth and produces cells. This medicine claims to have no side effects. It will cost you Rs. 140 to 25 gm of the pack.

RITE-HITE Tablets SBL for Increasing Height
3 years ago
Brand: Sbl
Price:  Rs. 140.00 (25 gm Tablets)
RITE-HITE Tablets SBL for Increasing Height

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Internal and external factors decide SBL RITE-HITE Tablets in Growth in children. The production of Somatotropin (growth hormone) is often altered under certain circumstances.

Somatotropin is also known as growth hormone. It is vital for growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration.

There is tons of factor play a role in child overall height. Gender, Nutritional input, genetic makeup, workout amount of sleep various condition are the factors which can affect the kid rate of growth, and size.


  • SBL Rite Hite promotes optimal growth in children who have.
  • Imperfect Assimilation.
  • Feeble digestion
  • Anaemia
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor memory

How to increase height

  • Keeps daily exercise and avoid mobile using in children for a long time.
  • Physical activity is an essential day set routine for play in the ground like a football, skipping, and basket.
  • In children, sound sleep is necessary and plays a vital role in good health and growth also.
  • Keeps avoiding bad habits in teenage-like: cigarette, alcohol, or any Dhumrapan.
  • Always sit proper position and standing for the right height.
  • Stretching of the muscles always.

Vitamin D is playing an essential role in growing children is must play in the playground. Don't stick to television, mobile, laptop.

Side Effects:

No known Side Effects of RITE-HITE Tablets


No known contra-indication

Direction of uses

Children below 13 years One tablet once a day.
Children above 13 years Two tablets once a day

or as prescribed by the physician

Question: How to take doses of Rite Hite Homeopathic medicine?

Ans:You take it before a meal and give a one-hour gap meal and medicine. An empty stomach gives better results.


Bottle of 25 gm and 450 gm


Baryta Carbonica 3x Natrum Muriaticum 3x
Calcarea Phosphorica 3x Silicea 3x

Category:   baby care, sbl

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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