Hapdco Spondolat 30ml Drops

Hapdco Spondolat 30ml Drops
3 years ago
Brand: Hapdco
Price:  Rs. 120.00 (30 ml Drops)
Hapdco Spondolat 30ml Drops

Hapdco Spondolat Drops uses;

Spondylitis is an inflammation of the vertebra. It is a form of spondylopathy. In many cases globally, spondylitis involves one or more vertebral joints as well, which itself is called spondyloarthritis. In spondylitis in severe pain in the backside, neck side, one side headache along with neck pain, one side shoulder pain, etc.


  • Colocynthis
  • Ruta graveolens
  • Hypericum perforatum
  • Ledum palustre
  • Cuprum metallicum
  • Dulcamara
  • Conium maculatum

Conium maculatum:

Conium maculatum used ill-effects of bruises and shocks to the spine. Pain worse on walking on an uneven surface. Vertigo from moving the head sideways.


Colocynthis used for pains come suddenly, go suddenly. Spasmodic, Crampy, tearing part. Neuralgic pains, cutting, and pinching.

Hypericum Perforatum

Hypericum Perforatum is used for pain on account of injuries to the spine; pain shoots up with local soreness when injuries are in the upper portion, Burning pain.

Ledum palustre:

Ledum palustre used pain begins in the feet and travels upwards.

Ruta graveolens

Ruta graveolens is used for backache, relieved by lying on the back. This remedy has a special affinity for fibrous tissue, flexor tendons, joints, ankles, wrists, cartilage, and periosteum.

Cuprum Metallicum:

Cuprum Metallicum is used for spasmodic, violent, constructive, and intermitting pain.


Dulcamara is used for pain in the neck because of exposure to a cold, sudden change in hot weather, and damp weather. Stiffness, aching, numbness, soreness of muscles on every exposure to cold, especially of back and loins.


No known contra-indication


No known Side-effects

Dosage : 

Take 10 – 20 drops in half-cup of water three times a day before meals.

Category:   hapdco, cervical spondylosis

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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