Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Gastrobin Drops

Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Gastrobin Drops
3 years ago
Price:  Rs. 201.00 (20 ml Drops)
Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Gastrobin Drops

Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Gastrobin Drops uses:

Schwabe German Gastrobin Drops are beneficial when the gastric mucous membrane is inflamed due to excess gastric acid.

Pressure sensitivity, acid reflux, acid heartburn, and sour or acid vomiting.

Acidity in the stomach results in a burning sensation in the stomach and chest, gas formation, flatulence, and sour belching.

Acidity is caused by excess intake of liquor, too much junk food, cut fiber diet, fast food, smoking, spicy foods, irregular eating habits, and prolonged use of pain killers.

Stress and anxiety are commonly associated with Acidity.

Symptoms can be pain in the middle abdomen after eating food or remaining empty stomach, nausea, burning sensation in the stomach and chest (heartburn), sour belching.

Using Schwabe Germany Gastrobin Drops gives satisfactory results against burning sensation in the stomach and reduces gas formation. Thereby relieving signs and symptoms of Acidity effectively.

How to control Acidity:

  • Choose an alkaline diet, control pH balance alkaline diet helping you maintain a pH balance lot of acidic food disturb body function.
  • Eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits, salad. These are alkaline food maintaining your pH balance.
  • Reduces intake of Acidic food, like fast food, excess of non-veg, refined sugar, dairy product, etc.
  • Drinks lots of water daily, minimum of 8 glasses per day.
  • Don't take Alcohol; Alcohol may damage your liver.
  • Daily do exercise and yoga for keeping healthy and fit.
  • Keep away from the stress and tension takes proper sleeping.


No known contra-indication

Side Effects:

No known Side Effects


20 ml Drop


10 to 15 drops of Schwabe German Gastrobin drops, to be taken three times per day before meals or as prescribed by the physician.


Natrum Phosphoricum 3x 10.0 Capsicum A 3x 10.0
Robinia Qsedacacia 2x 10.0 Acidum Sulphuricum 4x 10.0
Phosphorus 5x 10.0 Excipients Q. S. To 100.0

Natrum phosphoricum:

Natrum Phosphoricum is the remedy for the excess of Acidity, sour eructation, sour vomiting.

This salt is well indicated for symptoms of Hyper Acidity.

Capsicum annum:

Atonic dyspepsia, much flatulence, stomatitis (Disagreeable smell from mouth.

Robinia pseudoacacia:

Hyperchlorhydria, colic, and flatulence, nightly burning pains in the stomach. Indicated for heartburn and acid with constant eructation and regurgitation of very sour and bitter substance, it seems everything turns to acid. Gastric headache with acid vomiting, epigastric pain, and ranching are also covered by this medicine.

Acidum sulphuricum:

Gastralgia and heartburn, sour eructation, especially in the digestive tract, giving a very relaxed feeling in the stomach.


Sour taste and sour eructation after every meal, Acidity, belching, inflammation of the stomach.

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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