Dr Willmar Schwabe Essentia Aurea Gold Drop

Dr Willmar Schwabe Essentia Aurea Gold Drop
3 years ago
Price:  Rs. 330.00 (20 ml Drops)
Dr Willmar Schwabe Essentia Aurea Gold Drop

Schwabe Essentia Aurea Gold Drops Uses

Schwabe Germany Homeopathic remedy Essentia Aurea Gold is tonic to heart. Essentia Aurea Gold Drops have indicated for it Acts as a Cardiac Tonic.

The cardiotonic improves the muscular tone of the heart and reduces the narrowing of blood vessels. Controls the pulse, control the low blood pressure. In the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, the solution power reduces crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries. Increases the efficiency of the heart muscles. Controls Palpitations, Irregular heartbeat, nervousness, Atherosclerosis, insomnia, trembling, cold, sweating, and cardiac-related mental nervousness. Takes care of cardiac dropsy associated with dyspnoea.

How to control Low blood pressure or hypotension

  • Eat small meals frequently.
  • Eat more salt.
  • Don't Take alcoholic beverages
  • Eat boiled eggs daily
  • Drink water frequently.
  • Always wear compression stockings.
  • Don't take any kind of tobacco like Pan Masala, Khaini, Cigarettes.


No known contra-indication

Side Effects

No known Side Effects


20 ml Drop


Take 11-16 drops should be diluted in 1/4th a cup water three times a day or as prescribed by the physician.


Crataegus Oxy 40.0 Aur. Mur. 4x 10.0;
Convallaria Maj. 10.0 Ignatia A. 4x 10.0
Arnica M. 0.5

Crataegus Oxycantha:

Crataegus Oxycantha control on heart muscle as a heart tonic and used in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.

Aurum Muriaticum:

Aurum Muriaticum is heart tonic and control for violent palpitations, sore aching, heaviness and sensation of rigidity in heart, hyperemia from heart disease, etc.

Convallaria Majalis:

Convallaria Majalis used for increases the heart’s action and rendered it more regular. Indicated for dyspnoea, nervousness, anxiety, dropsy, orthopnoea, angina pectoris, and tachyarrhythmia. It also acts on palpitation.

Ignatia Amara:

Ignatia Amara is used for sadness, depression, nervousness, trembling, sleep disorders, insomnia, constrictive feeling within the throat and chest.

Arnica Montana:

Arnica Montana is a cardiac heart Tonic and used for cardiac dropsy with dyspnea, angina pectoris, feeble and irregular pulse, cardiac asthma.

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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