Dr. Reckeweg R72 Pancreas Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R72 Pancreas Drops
4 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 250.00 (22 ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R72 Pancreas Drops

Reckeweg R72 Drops uses:

The pain radiates to the back and is relieved by crouching forward or by lying prone. The pain also increases usually 2-3 hours after meals.

Early-stage symptoms comprise intolerance to sweet foods. Severe damage to the pancreas, steatorrhoea, undigested food in stool, and large stools are commonly found.

R72 homeopathic medicine differential diagnosis of the stomach, intestinal, hepatic, or gallbladder involvement must be made from the symptoms mentioned above can mimic any of those illnesses. Left hypogastric pain is typical of chronic pancreatitis. Violent upper abdominal pain, however, is a constant feature of acute pancreatitis. Hospitalization is necessary.

The ingredients contained in Reckweg R72 cover the symptoms associated with chronic pancreatitis:


Apis Mellifica:

  • stitching pain
  • Oedema


Spasmodic pain of the abdomen relieved by bending double.

Lycopodium Clavatum:

Pain from the bloated abdomen in the left hypogastric region.

Momordica Bals:

Increased flatulence in the splenic flexure.


Gastric symptoms, oily stools, fatty degeneration in advanced cases.


In pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas: 11-15 drops in some water 3-4 times daily.


Ill-defined upper abdominal pain and gastric symptoms: give additionally Reckeweg R5, 1-2 times daily.

Hepatic and gallbladder symptoms: give additionally Reckeweg R7, 1-2 times daily.

When pain increases and becomes severe, acute pancreatitis must be suspected, give:

Reckeweg R1, 10-15 Drops 4-6 times daily.

Reckeweg R72, 10-15 Drops three times daily before meals. Reduce dosage as amelioration sets in.

Category:   pain relief, reckeweg

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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