Dr. Reckeweg R63 Drops for Impaired Circulation

Dr. Reckeweg R63 Drops for Impaired Circulation
4 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 250.00 (22 ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R63 Drops for Impaired Circulation

Dr. Reckeweg R63 Drops uses

  • Peripheral vascular disturbances.
  • Veins disease.
  • Cramps in calf muscles
  • Lethargy feelings.
  • Difficult respiration.

Ingredients : 


Adrenalinum is the use of a low pulse rate. It increases myocardial blood activity and maintains blood pressure, increased glandular activity, depression of the respiratory centre.

Aesculus Hippocastanum :

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a remedy for Venous congestion, symptoms everything is slowed down, digestion, heart, bowels, etc., lethargy feelings and congestion of the liver with a portal system with constipation. It's a true pelvis.

Cuprum Aceticum:

Cuprum Aceticum uses for spasmodic constriction of voluntary and involuntary muscles, cramps in calf muscles.

Potentilla Anserina:

Potentilla Anserina stimulates the uterine muscle and Spasms of the heart various kind, cramps in calf muscles.

Secale Cornutum:

It is used for coldness, numbness, anemic condition, gangrene of the diabetic patient, cramps with the sensation of coldness or absence of any sensation.


Tabacum is used for heart palpitation, difficult respiration, violent constriction of the chest, and cramps in all limbs.

Veratrum Album:

Veratrum Album is used to feel coldness throughout the entire body, cramps in calf muscles, numbness, and absence of any sensations.

Side Effects:

No Known Side Effects


Between 10 to 15 drops in water, three times daily before meals. In severe cases, the initial dosage is 10 to 12 drops every 1 to 2 hours.


In diabetic angiopathies: add reckeweg R40

If arteriosclerosis is present: add reckeweg R12

In venous stasis, e.g. varicosities add reckeweg R42

In angina pectoris: compare reckeweg R2

Paraesthesia as result of sciatica: compare reckeweg R71

Category:   reckeweg

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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