Dr. Reckeweg R60 Blood Purifier Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R60 Blood Purifier Drops
4 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 250.00 (22 ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R60 Blood Purifier Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R60 Blood Purifier Drops uses

General improvement of the humoral composition, i. e. of the blood and other vital fluids needed in all illness circumstances and more so in protracted illnesses. Scrofulous.

Preparation has a deep effect on the constitution, acting on the blood and lymphatic glands swollen. The lymph nodes are swollen because the overactive immune system causes different types of disease and skin infection.


Conium Maculatum:

Conium Maculatum is used for glands indurated swelling, enlarging and hardening of glands. Paralytic asthenia of limbs with tremors and sweat.

Galium Aparine:

Galium Aparine is used for ulcerated sore throat, general Dyscrasia (Dyscrasia is a nonspecific term that refers to this disorder's disease). Incarnate with trophic ulcers, diuretic.

Hepar Sulfuric:

Hepar Sulfuric promotes healing of devitalized tissue as caused by pus, boils, and abscesses. Scrofulosis, swelling of lymph glands, blood impurities.

Juglans Regia:

Large Blood boils (Skin infection that starts in a hair follicle or oil gland.), and Blood purifier.


Delayed development of children together with eczema.

Scrophularia Nodosa:

Scrophularia Nodosa is used enlarged Glands with swelling, eczema of the ear, Lymphatic constitution (hydrogenoid constitution). Great susceptibility to dampness; all symptoms are worse during cold and damp weather.


6 to 16 drops taken 2 or 3 times daily in water before meals

Drops are given according to age. In chronic cases, 1 or 2 times daily.

Side Effects:

No Known Side Effects.


To stimulate the immune response, particularly in chronic conditions, compare Reckweg R26

In eczema: Reckweg R23 and R21

In tumours: Reckweg R17

In anaemia: compare Reckweg R31

In excessive perspiration: Reckweg R32

In TB of lungs: Reckweg R48 and Reckweg R57

In acne vulgaris: compare Reckweg R53

Category:   reckeweg

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