Dr. Reckeweg R58 Against Hydrops

Dr. Reckeweg R58 Against Hydrops
4 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 250.00 (22 ml)
Dr. Reckeweg R58 Against Hydrops

Dr Reckeweg R58 homeopathic medicine is used to eliminate stimulation of oedema (edema), appearing in the heart's muscular weakness, help in cardiac affection, or any other infectious disease.

Oedema of the legs and Hydropsy in the abdomen frequently due to the muscular weakness of the heart. It may also be effective in renal oedema.


Adonis Vernalis:

It's used as a heart tonic and acts on the heart like Digitalis, alike glycoside reaction without cumulation danger. The diuretic effect in arrhythmia and tachycardia. It regulates heart function.

Convallaria Majalis:

Convallaria Majalis is also used as a Tonic of the heart and Cardiac arrest. He has also removed cardiac dropsy.

Crataegus Oxyacantha:

It's controlled blood pressure, chronic heart disease, anxiety, pain, and enlarges the coronary blood vessels.

Digitalis Purpurea:

Digitalis Purpurea uses in male Gonorrhea with Oedema. Digitalis is also a heart known as a heart tonic for weak heart muscles. And it is helping the muscular strength of the heart.

Helleborus Niger:

Helleborus Niger is used sensorial depression, muscular weakness, lungs fluid build-up in the chest cavity (pulmonary oedema), and reinforcement of the diuretic components.

Scilla Maritima:

Scilla Maritima is used as an exudative (fibrinous) form of pleuritis, marked diuretic action. It also indicated in hydrops, dropsy, and arrhythmia absoluta.

r58 medicine generally used an increase in the muscular strength of the heart and regulate blood circulation. Through the additional use of Scilla Maritima, suitable results may sometimes be obtained in oedema due to disturbances in renal function, nephritis, and renal stoppages. It will be of great importance to reduce liquids' absorption and help in oedema (oedema).

Side Effects:

No Known Side Effects.


Three times daily, 16 to 20 drops before or after meals. In acute conditions, six times daily, 21 to 30 drops in a little water. After improvement, reduce the dose 2 to 3 times daily 11 to 15 drops


Reckeweg R2 in all conditions.

Reckeweg R3 in muscular disturbances of the heart and lousy conduction.

Reckeweg R12 in high-tension and sclerosis.

Reckeweg R19 or R20 in glandular disturbances, especially at the climacteric age.

Reckeweg R59 in obesity, causing overstrain of the cardiac-muscle.

Reckeweg R37 in flatulence (stomach) with gastro-cardiac symptomatic complex.

Reckeweg R40 in diabetes.

Category:   reckeweg

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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