Dr. Reckeweg R32 Excessive Sweat

Dr. Reckeweg R32 Excessive Sweat
3 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 250.00 (22 ml Drops)
Dr. Reckeweg R32 Excessive Sweat

Reckeweg R32 uses:

Dr Reckeweg R32 used Undue perspiration(sweat) (hyperhidrosis of varying genesis). Climacteric flushing, with work. Other forms of perspiration (unpleasant smell). Nocturnal perspiration with exhaustion (pre-tuberculous cases). Hot, cold or sticky sweat.

This Gharelu remedy's operation follows the pattern of the strict offensive of its constituents: Acidum nitricum: Highly disagreeable sweat.



  • Belladonna use for Hot sweat
  • Suppress sweating because of the sweat glands.


Jaborandi use for hyperhidrosis of varying genesis.

Kali Carb:

  • Sweating (perspiration).
  • Exhaustion - weakness between the shoulder blades.
  • Especially during nocturnal perspiration.

Salvia Officinalis:

Salvia Officinalis use against sweat and night sweat.

Sambucus nigra:

Sambucus nigra uses sweating during acute diseases of various kinds.


Flushing with outbreaks of sweating.


Sepia uses for climacteric flushing-sweating of the climacteric variety.


  • Cold sweat.
  • Cholic
  • The present remedy will then act in works and the different kinds of effort that accompany certain illnesses.

Side Effects:

No Known Side Effects

Dosage :

As a persistent cure 3-4 times a day 10-15 drops will be taken in some water. In sporadic perspiration cases (i.e. flushing, nocturnal sweat (perspiration)) frequent, eventually prophylactic doses, e.g. in nocturnal sweat several doses, at an interval of a quarterly hour, of 11-16 drops.

If sweating occurs in the early part of the night, the exact dosage will hold. One can wash in chilled water to which vinegar will possibly have been added, followed by rubbing with Hamamelis extract's dilution. Also to be recommended are lime baths and treatment with Sauna. To be shunned are toxic agents like synthetic colouring, pork and kindred eatables.


Complementary products recommended; Sweating during infections diseases (caused by temperature variations) makes it necessary to prescribe the following complexes:

In angina and influenza: R1 and R6.

In tuberculous affections: R48 and R57.

In bronchial diseases: Jutussin R8/R9 and R43.

In circulatory disturbances: see R3.

In coronary insufficiency: R2.

In thyreotoxicosis: R51.

In circulatory collapse: see R67.

Category:   reckeweg

This web site content homeopathic remedy medicine provides general information of the product. The content of this website does not substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult your doctor first. Gharelu Remedy does not claim any responsibility for this information.

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