Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum 7X Mother Tincture Q

Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum 7X Mother Tincture Q
3 years ago
Brand: Reckeweg
Price:  Rs. 220.00 (20 ml Mother Tincture)
Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum 7X Mother Tincture Q

Reckeweg Aalserum 7X Mother Tincture (Serum Aguillae) Q is prepared from a fish called eel. This toxic product is homoeopathically converted into a therapeutic drug for many conditions like sudden kidney infections.

Reckeweg Aalserum is useful in complaints of Albuminuria and hence helps in arresting it at the same time. It helps with the difficulty while urinating and while breathing as well. The blood cells in the urine can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or cysts in the kidney.

Indication and use

  • Nephrotic syndrome.
  • Difficult urination.
  • High Creatinine.
  • Albuminuria.


Serum of eel (A type of Fish)


  • It helps improve the flow of urine, the complaints of less urine passage or limited flow are reduced, and it helps in urination.
  • Assists with the nephrotic syndrome where complaints of increased protein, albumin in the urine are commonly seen.
  • Eel shows action over blood, kidney, liver, and heart.
  • Useful in cardiac problems without the swelling on the body.
  • Reduces high blood pressure where there is no urine passage, leading to urine retention or renal failure.

How to take care of your kidney

  • Constantly monitor your blood pressure. Control your high Bp.
  • Continually monitor your diabetes chart. Control your sugar.
  • Don't overeat salt. Avoid White flour (Maida), Salt, White Rice.
  • Drink Plenty of water stays hydrated.
  • Constantly monitor your weight. Keep slim and control your weight by doing exercise.
  • Avoid sour food to prevent your uric acid.
  • Avoid peas, pulses, tomatoes to contain your uric acid. Always monitor your uric acid.
  • Eat Healthy food. Constantly take your balanced diet and avoid junk food.
  • Use Multigrain flour (atta) and fibre food.
  • Don't smoke and don't drink alcohol.


Three times daily, ten drops in a little half cup water.


No known contra-indication


Please Don't use without Certified Homeopathic Doctor Consult.

Category:   kidney care, reckeweg

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