Bjain Alfa Alfa Malt

Bjain Alfa Alfa Malt
3 years ago
Brand: Bjain
Price:  Rs. 279.00 (450 gm paste)
Bjain Alfa Alfa Malt

Bjain Omeo Alfa Alfa malt is made from alfalfa, the Father of all Foods, with added benefits of homeopathic remedies. Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in “Toning up” the appetite and digestion, resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor. Alfalfa is said to be containing a variety of vitamins and minerals and is a natural way of getting the needed supplements.

The malt also contains Avena Sativa, a remedy indicated in those doing mental work, teachers and professional people, and exhausted. Omeo alfalfa malt is a natural and safe health supplement for all age groups.


  • Nutrient tonic
  • Tones up appetite
  • Removes feeling of fatigue
  • Influences nutritive function


450 gm


No known any side effects.


Alfalfa Ø Avena sativa Ø
Ginseng Ø Cinchona officinalis(China) 2x
Hydrastis canadensis 2x Kali Phosphoricum 3x
Kali Arsenicosum 4x Ferrum Aceticum 3x
Calcarea Phosphorica 3x

Category:   bjain, alfalfa

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