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Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Bjain Omeo Uterus Syrup help the women’s health is a major concern as disease and disorders of the female reproductive system affect both the physical and emotional planes of many women. 2923
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Dr. Reckeweg R28 is used for Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dull back pains, and loss of blood. Acts on the unstriped muscular fibres. 1757
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Dr. Reckeweg R10 uses irregular menstruation. Climacteric complaints, flushes of heat, attacks of perspiration, physical weakness, depression, headaches. It helps to regulate menstrual periods. 5233
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Menstrual irregularities are common abnormalities of a woman's menstrual cycle. Menstrual irregularities include conditions in which menstruation is irregular. heavy, painful or does not occur at all. 6847
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin SBL Dysmin Tablets used for painful menstruation termed as Dysmenorrhea is a condition in which lady has cramping lower abdominal pain, sharp, spasmodic and pain comes and goes. 2155
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin SBL DROPS No 2 for Dysmenorrhoea. Many females, especially school going girls and young women, experience pain before &/or during periods (Menstruation) which is known as Dysmenorrhoea. 2920
3 years ago Homeopathic Medicine For Periods Pain
Bjain Omeo Uterus Syrup
Dr. Reckeweg R28 Dysmenorrhea and Amenorrhea Drops
Dr. Reckeweg R10 Irregular Menstruation drops
SBL UTROFYNE for menstrual irregularities
Dysmin Tablets for painful menstruation
SBL DROPS No. 2 for Dysmenorrhoea