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Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Bjain Omeo Uterus Syrup help the women’s health is a major concern as disease and disorders of the female reproductive system affect both the physical and emotional planes of many women. 2923
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Dr. Reckeweg R10 uses irregular menstruation. Climacteric complaints, flushes of heat, attacks of perspiration, physical weakness, depression, headaches. It helps to regulate menstrual periods. 5233
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin Menstrual irregularities are common abnormalities of a woman's menstrual cycle. Menstrual irregularities include conditions in which menstruation is irregular. heavy, painful or does not occur at all. 6847
3 years ago Posted By: Gharelu Remedy Admin SBL DROPS No 2 for Dysmenorrhoea. Many females, especially school going girls and young women, experience pain before &/or during periods (Menstruation) which is known as Dysmenorrhoea. 2920
3 years ago Homeopathic Medicine For Immediate Periods
Bjain Omeo Uterus Syrup
Dr. Reckeweg R10 Irregular Menstruation drops
SBL UTROFYNE for menstrual irregularities
SBL DROPS No. 2 for Dysmenorrhoea